Sunday book review – Wild Galloway by Ian Carter – Mark Avery

Those who enjoy Ian Carter’s writing, and very many of us do, will enjoy this latest work about his new home in Galloway. Ian encounters new species, new names and introduces us to his new surroundings.

The author’s move from Devon was motivated partly by a yearning for wildness and from his fairly remote new home he can go for walks and sleep out at night to make those wilder connections. Of course, nowhere is fully wild in the UK in the sense of being untouched by human activities and Ian’s walks are along forestry tracks and involve nipping over the boundaries between the enclosed pastures and the open moorland. I was interested to learn that Ian’s new home was once occupied by another well-known ornithologist and author – there must be something about this location.

This book is a delight: gentle, sympathetic and thoughtful, and accurate, informative and knowledgeable.

The cover? I think it is absolutely lovely, and looks like Galloway to me. I’ll give the cover 10/10.

Wild Galloway: from the hilltops to the Solway, a portrait of a glen by Ian Carter is published by Whittles.

Previous books by Ian Carter reviewed here: The Hen Harrier’s Year (with Dan Powell),  The Red Kite’s Year (with Dan Powell), Rhythms of Nature and Human, Nature.   Ian has also contributed two series of blog posts on this site, one on Wild Food, the other titled A Break from Humanity as well as a range of other blogs, book reviews and comments.

Buy Ian’s books direct from Blackwell’s – a proper bookshop (and I’ll get a little bit of money from them)


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